Monday, April 25, 2011

Creeping of the Feature

Having spent a few hours mincing through the game doc, iv noticed that the amount of content within my game is beginning to mount. While its still a relatively simple affair, it goes to show just how much work actually goes into a relatively simple game! I will have to learn most of the coding myself so I'm not looking forward to that aspect of the project. Right now however, the game is starting to form nicely within my skull. I think iv worked out the level structure as well as a rudimentary plot involving muscular scientists and a megatonnes of molten rock. If it all goes well it should be a colourful and cool little game for you everyone to have a go!

Me never having owned a smart phone also makes the port to smartphones idea quite hard to imagine for me. I'm one of those people who want to keep their phone a phone as opposed to a €700 media centre. I'm aware that smartphones will eventually become cheap enough that they become the hardy piece of shit I have in my pocket right now, but Magma Surge will be certainly done and dusted by then.

Annyyyyway, right now I will concentrate on visualising the game rather than the code. I'm just hoping that by the end of the game dev document I wont have added so much more stuff that I have to dumb down my project. Everything I've added today is important. I just gona make sure I dont get bogged down creating too much for my one self to manage. Maybe then the daunting task will merely become a scary one.


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