Monday, July 25, 2011

Prototype level creation and progress

So work has begun building a basic level for Magma Surge. I have begun creating some of the different assets to be used in the game, such health, experiments and environmental hazards. This week saw me create my first full level (minus lava) in order to test how the game looks and how the different assets created thus far look. Overall I'm happy enough with it, but anticipate lots of revisions over the next few weeks.

I have also refined somewhat the way I plan to build each level. Stencylworks has a decent level editor and it has an interface quite similar to artistic design programs such as Photoshop. This has helped to make the level creation process much easier and also allows me to plan out each level before I begin creating it. One unfortunate side effect of Stencylworks recent release means the help guides are not quite finished and so there are a few things that need to be added. But that shouldn't be too big a problem.

This week I want to create the 3 or 4 levels that I will have in the prototype for September. Next I want to get some screens done for the games menus, so that the prototype will look and feel like a real game. More to come!


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